Vocational experts providing return to work solutions
We know that choosing the right vocational assessment can drastically improve your case outcome. However, not every assessment is created equal. Vocational assessments should be conducted by experts with a solid understanding of how they work and when they should be used. You need expert knowledge from someone who knows what works and what doesn't work in real-world situations.
Over the last 25 years Peter Campbell, CEO of P. Campbell & Associates has provided vocational rehabilitation services for wounded veterans, long term disability insurance recipients, employers, motor vehicle accident claimants, Canada Pension Plan Disability recipients, supported employment, Ontario Disability Support Program recipients and medical-legal clients.
Let us help you provide the best possible vocational future for your client, by providing high quality reporting.
who we serve
Fact based, objective, supported opinion providing clarity about the vocational circumstance of the individual.
We are pleased to assist counsel in marrying their expenses with progress of their case to increase access to justice.
Independent Medical Examination Professionals (IMEs)
Vocational assessment and rehabilitation services provided on time, on budget and addressing the pertinent questions of your customer. Supportive employment services include job search training, job development, achievement planning and case management.
Claims Advisors
We support your clients’ return to work with confidence. We use a proactive approach to case management that owns the outcome of return to work and offers vocational assessments, service coordination and service planning in-person or on a remote basis.
ways we can help you
Vocational Assessments
We conduct a combination of evidence based objective assessments offering recommendations for the client and the court.
Achievement Plans & Vocational Services
We provide plans and other return to work solutions for your client in specific occupations, based on targeted wage goals.
File Review & Rebuttal
We deliver an objective, fact based opinion of an individual's vocational circumstance, which provides clarity, assurance and correction for a person with a disability.
Contact us for a FREE and confidential File Review.
We are pleased to have a 100% rate of repeat business in legal practice clients.
Here is what others have to say:
“Thank you for your report. It addresses all of the issues and I have no need for any clarification. We will serve your report on the defence. Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to working with you again in future.”
— Plaintiff Counsel
“Peter, I cannot begin to thank you for the work you have done for us.
Your contributions have been insightful, accurate and an ongoing display of critical thinking!”— Affiliated Professional
“Thanks Peter, this should be helpful for the tort and the AB claims.”
— Plaintiff Counsel